Tell the PRC About Delayed Mail

December 23, 2013

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Businesses, customers and APWU members who have complaints about delayed mail should be sure to let the Postal Regulatory Commission know, says Debby Szeredy, the union’s executive vice president.“Much of the delayed mail is in areas where plants and post offices have been consolidated or closed or where hours at post offices have been reduced,” she said.

“Filing complaints with the PRC will help document how egregious the problem is, so encourage your family, friends and neighbors to file complaints if they experience delays, too,” Szeredy said.

Filing a complaint online takes just a minute or two. To complete the form, start by selecting “Complaint.” Next, in the subject area, click the arrow and select “Mail Delivery/Postal Services.” Describe your complaint in the message box using 1,000 or fewer characters (letters) and include that you are requesting an investigation of your delayed mail.

If you are in an area where a plant or post office was consolidated, closed or faced reduced hours, be sure to include that in your complaint as well.Provide your name and address so that you can be contacted about the results.Print a copy of your complaint for your records by right-clicking on the mouse, then Click “Submit.” If you have a problem with your submission you may need to reduce the number of words in your complaint.

If you prefer, you also can send a letter to the PRC at the following address:

Public Affairs & Government Relations
901 New York Avenue NW, Suite 200
Washington, DC 20268-0001

Once the PRC receives your complaint, it will be placed into the agency’s quarterly log and sent to the USPS. The Postal Service will respond to the PRC & the customer.

For more information on filing complaints with the PRC, click herevisit or call 202-789-6800.

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