MVS Wins Important Ruling on Subcontracting Notification

September 2, 2016

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The APWU won an important arbitration case on Aug. 18, when Arbitrator Shyam Das ruled that the Postal Service violated the Collective Bargaining Agreement by notifying the union of subcontracting awards after they have been let.

Arbitrator Das ordered the Postal Service to cease and desist from such violations and to comply with provisions of Article 32.2.B before renewing Highway Contract Routes (HCRs).

He also instructed the USPS to convert the 110 routes that remain in service to Postal Vehicle Service (PVS) within six months of the award for a four-year period. In addition, Arbitrator Das wrote, “By agreement, the parties may substitute other route(s) to be converted to PVS service pursuant to this order based on particular circumstances.”

“This is a significant award that will help protect Motor Vehicle Craft jobs,” said Director Michael O. Foster.

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