Sticker Day Set for Thursday, March 26

Flyers to be Distributed to Public; Posters to Businesses

March 23, 2015

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Members of the Philadelphia BMC Local proudly
wearing stickers.

On March 26, APWU members will “Say It With a Sticker.”

“Led by our local and state presidents and our Contract Action Teams, March 26 will be a day to spread the word,” APWU President Mark Dimondstein declared.

“We’ll send a message to management by wearing stickers, and we’ll take our message to the people by passing out flyers at post offices and asking business owners to put posters in their windows supporting ‘Our Public Postal Service.’

So remember, on Thursday, March 26:

  • Wear your sticker!
  • Pass out flyers to the public at post offices.
  • Distribute posters to businesses to display in their windows.

Material has been mailed to local and state presidents for distribution.

Next Town Hall Call: April 6

APWU members are invited to join Dimondstein for a live Contract Town Hall Call on Monday, April 6. Members will receive an update on our fight to win a good contract while we fight for a vibrant, public Postal Service.

There are two options: 12 p.m. EDT and 8 p.m. EDT.

To participate, union members must register online by 6 p.m. EDT, April 5. Once you register, all you have to do is answer your phone!

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