Postal Service Protection Act Gains Co-sponsors

March 21, 2013

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Legislation to restore financial health to the U.S. Postal Service has begun to attract widespread support in Congress, thanks in large part to the efforts of APWU members.

Soon after the Postal Service Protection Act (S. 316/H.R. 630) was introduced, local officers who attended an APWU National Presidents Conference in Washington DC fanned out across Capitol Hill to make the case for preserving the USPS without hurting postal workers or damaging the service we provide citizens and businesses across the country.

APWU members have also been making calls, writing to elected officials, and visiting lawmakers’ district offices to underscore the union’s message: Preserve the Postal Service— Don’t Dismantle It!

Five weeks into the campaign, 12 senators and 71 House members have become co-sponsors of the Postal Service Protection Act.“It’s gratifying to see that support is growing,” said APWU Legislative & Political Department Director Myke Reid.

“But we still have a long way to go to build a solid coalition for responsible postal reform.“We are calling on all union members to ask their U.S. Senators and Representatives to co-sponsor the legislation and seek its swift passage,” said APWU President Cliff Guffey.

The union also supports the Postal Service Stabilization Act (H.R. 961), Reid noted, a bill introduced by Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-MA) that would allow the Postal Service to reclaim billions of dollars in overpayments to federal retirement plans.

Postal Service Protection Act (S.316/H.R 630) Fact Sheet
Postal Reform That Makes Sense

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