House Panel Approves Issa Bill

July 24, 2013

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The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform approved a postal bill introduced by Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) on July 24, by a vote of 22 to 17. The vote was along party lines, with all Republicans voting in favor of the measure and all Democrats voting against it. All amendments submitted by Democrats were defeated by the same margin. Voting concluded at approximately 8:15 p.m.

“If it is enacted, this bill will lead to the demise of the Postal Service,” said APWU President Cliff Guffey. “I call upon all APWU members to contact their U.S. representatives and urge them to vote ‘no’ when the bill is brought before the full House.”

The bill (H.R. 2748) would:

  • Prohibit postal unions and management from negotiating protection against layoffs;
  • Increase health insurance costs for employees;
  • Limit collective workers’ bargaining rights;
  • Close post offices, stations and branches;
  • Consolidate plants, and
  • Privatize operations.

“The changes proposed by H.R. 2748 would severely weaken the Postal Service,” said Legislative and Political Director Gary Kloepfer. “We must defeat it.”

To contact your representative by phone, call the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121.

More details to follow.

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