On the Worker Floor: Stickers and More

March 1, 2015

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(This article first appeared in the March-April 2015 issue of The American Postal Worker magazine.)

As negotiations began, APWU members on the work floor expressed solidarity.

Across the country members wore stickers on opening day that said, “Good Service! Good Jobs! Contract Now!” Many took “selfies” showing their union pride. More than 80 locals have formed Contract Action Teams (CATs), which are designed to involve members in the fight for a good contract. CATs share information on the job and work to win community support for the struggle to secure better service and good jobs.

On Feb. 17, union members participated in live Town Hall Teleconferences, where they had the opportunity to ask questions and make comments about contract talks.

With negotiating underway, locals are working to keep momentum going. Some are organizing members to wear union gear once a week. They also are planning more ambitious activities, such as leafleting in front of a plant or post office.

Many are making plans for April 15, which presents a great opportunity to take our message to the people and point out that the USPS doesn’t use a dime of taxpayer money.

To see more photos, click here.


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