Reflections from the 27th Biennial National Convention

Daleo Freeman

August 26, 2024

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Defined Progress

The APWU Constitution and Bylaws mandates the Human Relations Department's role in fostering equal opportunity, community service, and supporting our members in various capacities. We stand on the shoulders of excellent leaders who championed our causes. Their legacy propels us forward as we continue to uphold these principles. The Pre-Convention Workshops and the National Convention were a major success, as delegates from across the country descended upon Detroit to attend over a week's worth of great training and spirited debates about all sorts of issues from the protection of our constitutional rights to the continued solidarity for all in the labor movement. It was an honor to participate and witness a momentous event that will shape and mold the future of our union for years to come. Thanks to everyone that attended. We hope that everyone has returned to their respective area that much more energized, mobilized, and organized than ever before.

Staying In Motion

In the spirit of progress, the Human Relations Department remains committed to staying in motion. Communication is key as we work to address members’ needs across the nation. We’re expanding our reach with a network of local and state Human Relations representatives, ensuring that support is accessible wherever it’s needed. By leveraging resources and knowledge, we empower our members and strengthen our collective resolve.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our dedicated Regional Resource Assistants (RRAs) for their unwavering commitment and tireless efforts in completing training programs related to the Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP) and on-the-job injuries. Their expertise and dedication equip them with the knowledge and tools needed to provide invaluable support to locals nationwide, ensuring proper advice and effective assistance to workers within the APWU family. Through formal training and certification processes provided by the Department of Labor (DOL), our RRAs stand ready to deliver comprehensive training and guidance on these critical issues. We are immensely grateful for their invaluable contributions to our union’s mission and vision. For a listing of our current RRAs please visit,

Coalitions Are Key

Another key to our success lies in building and fortifying coalitions. By uniting with diverse interest groups, we amplify our impact and advocate for meaningful change. Please visit, to learn more about our coalitions.

Furthermore, the Human Relations Department has demonstrated a steadfast commitment to advocating for human rights by attending monthly meetings and partnering with the Civil, Human and Women’s Rights Director (CHWR Director) at the AFL-CIO and affiliate union directors focusing on civil and human rights. These meetings serve as a platform for discussing and advancing crucial issues related to human rights, ensuring that our union remains at the forefront of advocacy efforts. Through collaboration and dialogue, we continue to amplify our collective voice in support of equality, justice, and dignity for all.

We extend our deepest gratitude to Robert La Foe, our dedicated Veteran Guard and Reserve Information Specialist (VGRIS), for his unwavering advocacy and steadfast support of veteran benefits and awareness within our union. Robert’s tireless efforts ensure that our veteran members receive the recognition, support, and benefits they rightfully deserve for their service to our country. His commitment to raising awareness and championing the rights of veterans embodies the spirit of solidarity and inclusivity within the APWU family. We are profoundly grateful for Robert’s leadership and dedication to serving those who have served us all. Please join our veteran coalition efforts by logging into your Member Profile and adding your veteran designation and the branch you served to stay connected to important veteran news and benefits.

Together, we address common concerns and demonstrate the integral role of the labor movement in everyday life. Through collaboration, we harness the strength of solidarity and advance our shared goals. ■

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