Contract Timeline
The current Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), also known as a union contract, between the APWU and the USPS expired on Sept. 20, 2018. The contract determines wages, benefits and conditions of employment. On December 21, 2018 the APWU and USPS announced negotiations were at an impasse. Arbitrator Stephen B. Goldberg was appointed as the impartial chair of the tri-partite interest arbitration panel and scheduled the opening day of the hearings for September 4, 2019. The hearings are now completed and a biding contract award was issued on 3/11/20.
Latest Contract Negotiation News
November 12, 2021
(This article first appeared in the November/December issue of the American Postal Worker magazine) On October 16,...
November 12, 2021
Legislative and Political Director Judy Beard Reflects on 2021
(This article first appeared in the November/December issue of the American Postal Worker magazine)
November 12, 2021
APWU Retirees Still Fighting for Justice
(This article first appeared in the November/December issue of the American Postal Worker magazine) The APWU Retirees...
May 28, 2021
The Struggle Continues in Alabama as 1,100 Coal Miners Remain on Strike
In the May-June 2021 issue of the American Postal Worker, we reported on the Warrior Met Coal Miners’ strike in Alabama...
Sign up for Contract Updates
Message From the President - Arbitration Opening Day
President Dimondstein's video message to the membership about the Opening Day of Interest Arbitration.
Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Members #PostalSlam
Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Conference attendees from the Northern Virginia Area Local tell you what they're fighting for!
APWU Members 'Geared Up'

Central Jersey Area Local

Central Arkansas Area Local

Toledo Area Local (OH)

Dallas Area Local

Montgomery County Area Local (MD)

Louisville Area Local Group

Rochester, NY Area Local

Detroit District Area Local

Indianapolis Area Local

Athens, Ohio Local

Central Jersey Area Local

Central Arkansas Area Local

Toledo Area Local (OH)

Dallas Area Local

Montgomery County Area Local (MD)

Louisville Area Local Group

Rochester, NY Area Local

Detroit District Area Local

Indianapolis Area Local

Athens, Ohio Local
Check out our Flickr for more!
#PostalSlam Challenge
As we're gearing up for interest arbitration on Sept.4, we need that #APWUnited solidarity support. The #PostalSlam challenge is here to tell Postal Management that we are a united force to be reckoned with! We love our union. We love our careers, and we deserve a GOOD CONTRACT NOW! Tell us what you love about your union and your job - Post your own #PostalSlam on social media and tag us #APWUnited! Here's Maintenance Craft Director Idowu Balogun, Clerk Craft Director Clint Burelson, Support Service Craft Director Stephen Brooks, MVS Craft Director Michael O. Foster and National Contract Campaign Coordinator Vi Ward to kick-us off! Let’s show management - WE ARE THE UNION!
Campaign Resources
Campaign Handouts

Member Only Links

Fired Up and Ready to Go!
Contract Negotiations Opening
American Postal Workers Union members from coast-to-coast say why they are FIRED UP AND READY TO GO for contract negotiations!