APWU, Postal Unions Urge Obama To Fix USPS Pension Overfunding
January 13, 2011
The APWU and other postal unions and management associations have asked President Barack Obama to take “immediate action to save almost 100,000 good, middle-class jobs and stabilize the financial condition” of the Postal Service.
USPS Fails to Keep Proper Record of Injury and Illness, OSHA Finds
January 11, 2011
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) slammed the USPS again for safety violations — this time for under-recording workplace injuries and illnesses.
Despite Mounting Frustration, Contract Talks Continue
January 10, 2011
Although the union is “increasingly frustrated” at the slow pace of contract negotiations, bargaining is continuing, APWU President Cliff Guffey has announced.
Safety Talk on Recognizing And Handling Suspicious Mail
January 7, 2011
Following the explosion of several mail pieces in Maryland and Washington, DC, the USPS has issued a Safety Talk that instructs employees how to react to suspicious packages.
OIG: USPS Fails to Justify 19 Types of ‘Worksharing’ Discounts for Big Mailers
January 4, 2011
In a report issued Dec. 23, 2010, the USPS Office of Inspector General (OIG) echoed what the APWU has been saying for years: Worksharing discounts for large mailers mail are too high.