Post Offices Subject To the Maintenance Craft Jobs MOU

The Postal Service has submitted to the APWU a list of 89 post offices that will fall under Section 1.a of the Maintenance Craft Jobs Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).  

Rehab Act Expanded

The Rehabilitation Act, which prohibits workplace discrimination against employees with disabilities, has been significantly expanded with the recent passage of amendments to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The amendments set new...

Questions and Answers for the New Customer Care Center in Wichita, KS

The APWU and USPS have agreed to a series of Questions and Answers [PDF] regarding the establishment of a new Customer Care Center in Wichita, KS.

What We Decide Matters

The upcoming APWU convention in Chicago will be an exciting opportunity to engage in hands-on democracy.  Elected delegates from every local and state organization will gather together to make important decisions about the future of the Postal...

Activate Your List Protect Your Right to Vote

In the January-February issue of this magazine, I asked readers to make a list of contacts who will serve as a support network for the midterm elections. Now that you have your list together, it’s time to put it into action.
