Happy Grandparents Day!
Sunday, September 7 is Grandparents Day. In Ohio, Alliance members are celebrating the day with an event in Cortland. In Illinois, Alliance members in the East St. Louis area are celebrating the holiday today with Rep. William Enyart.
USPS Districts Currently Under Phase 2 Of the National Reassessment Process
The Postal Service continues to implement Phase 2 of the National Reassessment Process (NRP) in USPS Districts across the country. There is no set schedule that establishes a date when a particular District will begin Phase 2.
Frequently Asked Questions
The APWU represents clerk, maintenance, and motor vehicle craft employees at 21 Bulk Mail Centers in metropolitan areas around the country. Listed below are the responses to questions that are often asked by APWU members who work at these facilities...
Doc Fix Prevents Cuts to Medicare Providers for a Year
On Thursday, the House approved a so-called “doc fix” bill that serves as a temporary solution to an ongoing structural problem in the formula used to determine Medicare funding levels. After hours of uncertainty over whether the bill would have...
For Employees Covered by the Information Technology/Accounting Services Agreement:
There will not be any additional COLA under the 2007-2011 IT/AS Agreement . Future increases are dependent on the outcome of current negotiations for a successor contract to the 2007-2011 IT/AS Agreement.
Under the 2007-2011 IT/AS Agreement,...