Support Organizations
The following organizations provide support to people struggling with alcohol and substance abuse, gambling problems, and domestic violence.
Building a Better Department
Retirees are an invaluable asset to the American Postal Workers Union.
Waste Management
In the January-February issue, the regional coordinator’s article addressed the Postmaster General’s DRIVE (Delivering, Results, Innovation, Value, and Efficiency) program and what management was planning for you — including more consolidations,...
e-Team Report, Sept. 13, 2013
Senate Committee to Address Postal Reform
Federal Unions Protest Proposal to Pull Postal Workers From Federal Employee Health Benefit Program
AFL-CIO Says Postal Service Needs ‘Innovation And Growth, Not Downsizing and Decline’
Postal Work Ranked as...
Union Protests Assignment of ET Duties
The union has initiated a dispute at the national level (Case # Q06T-4Q-C-07270988) protesting the Postal Service’s decision to use contractors and other non-Maintenance Craft employees to install upgraded computer software on PARS machines. The...