APWU Presses Fight to Keep Retail Units Open

With the number of USPS stations and branches under consideration for closure still in flux, the APWU continues to lead community-based drives to keep retail units open. The Postal Service first announced in May that more than 3,200 stations and...

e-Team Report, June 8, 2012

The House Still Remains Next Step for Postal Reform Rural Reform State Election Law Update MI and FL Inequality- In Pay?

U.S. Ranks Just 19th in Retirement Security Worldwide

U.S. retirees are facing worse conditions for their golden years than retired workers in many other developed countries -- from Canada and the United Kingdom to South Korea, CNN reports. The U.S. ranked 19th in retirement security for the second...

Dispute Over Data Security Breaches/Missing USPS Laptops Appealed to Arbitration

The APWU has appealed to national-level arbitration a dispute over the Postal Service's security breaches of sensitive postal employee data resulting from missing or stolen postal laptop computers.

e-Team Report, Sept. 2, 2011

President Guffey to Testify before Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs Contact Your Member of the House Today! Republican Leaders Intend to Repeal Labor Regulations and Labor Board Issue Multiple Decisions Rolling Stone...
