APWU “Building Union Power” National Organizing Drive Blasts Past Goal, Recruits 8707 New Members

The Building Union Power national organizing drive concluded on June 25, and by end of day, hit 8707 new members!

"Building Union Power" National Organizing Campaign Underway

On June 25, the APWU will begin negotiations with postal management for a new union contract covering 200,000 postal workers. Negotiations are never easy. Our success depends on building power and leverage. The foundation of our union starts with...

Local Organizing – The Fund That Pays for Itself

As local and state officers bring their 2023 budgets to September and October meetings, it is important every local creates a budget for organizing. This summer, in our Building Union Power organizing drive, we recruited 5,000 new members. But the...

WE Did It! Organizing Campaign - a Smashing Success!

Building on our solid new union contract and historic postal legislation, the APWU launched a national organizing drive - “Building Union Power” - with the bold goal of signing up 5000 new members. Together we did it! From May 1 -July 1, Local and...

APWU - "Building Union Power"

(This article first appeared in the May/June 2022 issue of the American Postal Worker magazine) Postal worker union power, whether at the bargaining table, on the workroom floor, or on Capitol Hill, begins with each and every member. You are the...
