Postal Vehicle Service Scanning Duty Settlement Reached
On August 31, the APWU Motor Vehicle Service Craft Division and the USPS came to a settlement for case numbers Q10V-4Q-C 16466169/HQTV20160275, Q10V-4Q-C 15300453/HQTV20150846 and Q10V-4Q-C 16466163/A19V20160276.
Arbitrator Stephen Goldberg Issues Award in MS-1 Handbook Dispute
In his award dated September 13, 2017, Arbitrator Stephen Goldberg issued his decision in the MS-1 Handbook case no. Q10T-4Q-C 14171644/Q10T- 4Q- C 16481407.
Maintenance Defines Custodial Staffing in POStPlan Clusters
On June 30, Arbitrator Stephen Goldberg issued a national award for Case No. Q10T-4Q-C 15206030 concerning custodial staffing in POStPlan office clusters (a group of postal facilities consisting of at least one Remotely Managed Post Office [RMPO]...
Arbitrator Das Solidifies Administrative Leave for Caucus Voting
On June 21, Arbitrator Shyam Das issued a national award in the arbitration between the United States Postal Service (USPS) and the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC), with APWU and the National Postal Mail Handlers Union (NPMHU) as...