Say 'No' to the Latest USPS Survey
(This article first appeared in the May-June 2018 issue of The American Postal Worker magazine)
By Industrial Relations Director Vance Zimmerman
Are you engaged?” Those are the words the Postal Service is using to get you to take their newest...
What Role Do You Play as a Union Member?
Speak to your local leaders or Contract Action Team
to join in our Fighting Today for a Better Tomorrow organizing campaign!
(This article first appeared in the May-June 2018 issue of The American Postal Worker magazine)
By Organization Director...
There's More to Being a Member than Just Paying Dues
(This article first appeared in the May-June 2018 issue of The American Postal Worker magazine)
By Northeast Region Coordinator John Dirzius
As I proudly travel the Northeast Region and speak with workers, I always ask if there are any new members...
Fighting Back with Street Parties
(This article first appeared in the May-June 2018 issue of The American Postal Worker magazine)
By Clerk Craft Directors
Understaffing is the main reason service to our communities is decreasing and stress on the job is increasing. It is the reason...
Rank and File Bargaining Advisory Committee Convenes
Members of the Rank and File Bargaining Advisory Committee. L-R: Yared Wonde, Dallas Area Local; Tiffany Foster, New York Metro Area Postal Union; Daleo Freeman, Cleveland Area Local; Robert Johnson, Greater Connecticut Area Local; Fred Wolfmeyer,...