San Jose Members Support Bernie Sanders Outside the Democratic Convention

Supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders rallying outside the Democratic Party State Convention in on Feb. 27 in San Jose, CA.  On Saturday. Feb. 27, APWU members joined nurses, students, and community members for a rally at the California Democratic Party...

Mike Gallagher Addresses 'March for Bernie'

Gallagher addresses the March for Bernie. Eastern Region Coordinator Mike Gallagher spoke to a huge crowd at a "March for Bernie" rally in Pittsburgh on Feb. 27. Members of the Pittsburgh Mero Area Local attended.  

Greater Seattle Area Local for Bernie Sanders

Seattle Local Vice President David Yao (second from right) spoke at the rally.  Members of the Greater Seattle Area Local participated in a spirited Labor for Bernie rally on Feb. 21. Speaking at the event, Local Vice President David Yao recalled...

Stumping for Sanders in South Carolina.

APWU Executive Vice President Debby Szeredy talks to union members outside the Charleston SC Processing &Distribution Center about the National Executive Board vote to endorse Bernie Sanders for President. APWU members in South Carolina have...

South Carolina APWU Locals Welcome Nurses on Bernie Bus

There was a warm display of solidarity in South Carolina on Feb. 20, as APWU locals welcomed the National Nurses Union’s Bernie Sanders Bus, as it made its way through the state as part of a national tour.  
