Spending Taxpayers’ Money to Bash the USPS?

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), who likes to portray himself as a fierce opponent of wasting taxpayers’ money,  has created a slick, high-tech Web site that bashes the Postal Service, using — you guessed it — taxpayers’ money.

USPS Seeks Legislation To Allow Layoffs, End Federal Benefits

APWU President Cliff Guffey has condemned Postal Service legislative proposals that would permit the USPS to layoff 120,000 employees and remove postal workers from the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program and from federal retirement programs.

Union Files Unfair Labor Practice Charge Over USPS Refusal to Provide Information on Consolidations

The APWU has filed an unfair labor practice charge with the National Labor Relations Board (NRLB) protesting the Postal Service’s refusal to provide the union with information regarding Area Mail Processing (AMP) feasibility studies.

Postal Jobs, Pay, Benefits Threatened by Congress

The Postal Service is in danger of financial collapse, and could close its doors as early as July 2012. 

A Reckless Attack On Postal Services, Postal Employees

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), the powerful chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, has introduced a bill, H.R. 2309, that is “a reckless assault on postal workers and the Postal Service,” said APWU President Cliff Guffey.
