And the Winners Are…
October 28, 2010
President William Burrus has announced the winners of the union’s Voter Participation Contest, which encouraged members to vote in the election of APWU national officers. The contest offered rewards to the locals that were most successful in getting union members to cast their ballots.
The contest rewarded the top three locals in several categories, based on the size of the local. Any local that achieved a voting level of 100 percent was rewarded, and to be eligible, locals must have achieved at least 50 percent.
The winnings are to be used at the discretion of the locals on behalf of the membership. The money can be used to purchase T-shirts, pay for tickets to movies or ball games, or defray the cost of membership parties or other activities.
In the category of 1-49 members, seven locals had 100 percent participation. Each of these locals will be awarded $200, to be used on behalf of the members. They are:
Local Percent Voting
Colby Local (KS) 100%
Douglas Local (AZ) 100%
Dyersburg Local (TN) 100%
Jacksonville Local (IL) 100%
Kewanee Local (IL) 100%
Laurens Local (SC) 100 %
Pagosa Springs Local (CO) 100%
The union also will reward the top three locals of 50-99 members with payments of $200. They are:
Local Percent Voting
Florida Keys Area Local 90%
Farmington (MI) Local 84%
Southern Illinois Area Local 84%
Three locals with membership of 100-499 people earned rewards of $1,000 each:
Local Percent Voting
Muncie Area Local (IN) 71%
Philadelphia BMC Local (PA) 69%
Clarksburg Local (WV) 68%
Three locals in the 500-999 member category were eligible, and will receive $2,000 each:
Local Percent Voting
Trenton Metro Area Local (NJ) 70%
Lehigh Valley Area Local (PA) 68%
Suncoast Area Local (FL) 62%
“Congratulations to these locals for achieving these high voter participation levels,” said APWU President William Burrus. “We should learn from their example, and encourage all members to vote.”