APWU Joins Verizon Strikers’ National Day of Action

May 6, 2016

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On the picket line in Washington, DC. 

In a show of support, APWU members joined Verizon strikers on picket lines during their National Day of Action on May 5.

Demonstrating in front of a Philadelphia location.

Since April 13, 39,000 Verizon workers from Maine to Virginia have been on strike after negotiations for a fair contract broke down.  

  • Verizon has already moved 5,000 jobs overseas and is pressing to send even more jobs to Mexico, the Philippines and elsewhere.
  • The company raked in  $39 billion in profits in last three years and $1.8 billion each month so far this year, but is pushing to outsource work to low-wage contractors
  • Verizon wants to relocate jobs on a moment’s notice – forcing technicians to leave their homes and families for months at a time and breaking up families.
  • The telecommunications giant is demanding that retirees on a fixed income pay much more for health benefits.

Members of the Tri-County Area Local

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Members of the Greater CT Area Local on the picket line outside a store in North Haven

Members of the North Jersey Area Local 


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