APWU Website 'De-Links' Local Websites During Union Election Period

May 1, 2013

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The APWU national election period has begun, and in approximately five months, on Oct. 7, the counting of ballots will begin.

The rules for the election of APWU national officers, as prepared by the National Election Committee, appeared in the March/April issue of The American Postal Worker [PDF]. Other rules governing the conduct of union elections are promulgated by the Department of Labor.

Effective May 1, the national APWU website "de-linked" all local and state websites for the duration of the union election period. The links will be restored at the conclusion of the election cycle.

The APWU took this action to avoid problems that could result if any locals or state organizations used their websites in a way that could be interpreted as supporting the candidacy of an individual or group in the union election. The use of union websites in this manner could lead to charges that Department of Labor regulations were violated.

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