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E.g., 09/19/2024
E.g., 09/19/2024

APWU Welcomes Reversal of Partial USPS Consolidation Efforts, Keeping Mail Processing Local at More Facilities

September 19, 2024
The APWU and the 200,000 dedicated postal workers we represent stand with the people of the country for improved postal services. There is too much delayed mail resulting from too much short staffing and a chaotic implementation of changes to the...

APWU President Mark Dimondstein Responds to Trump's Truth Social Post

September 16, 2024
On September 15, former President Donald Trump said that the Postal Service could not be trusted to deliver election mail, an attack on the 650,000 dedicated public servants that make up the United States Postal Service.

Postal Unions Seek White House Intervention

July 16, 2009
The presidents of the four major postal unions have asked the White House to address the “deepening crisis” facing the Postal Service, asserting that “the Obama administration must intervene now to avoid both a political and economic train wreck.”

House Committee Approves HR 22

July 10, 2009
The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee unanimously approved H.R. 22 on July 10, clearing the way for consideration of the measure by the full House.

Area Mail Processing Plans: Locals Fight Back

July 9, 2009
APWU locals around the country have been busy fighting the consolidation of Processing & Distribution Centers — even as the Postal Service announced it was considering consolidating more than 3,200 of the nation’s larger stations and branches.

Consolidating Stations

July 1, 2009
At a meeting at USPS Headquarters on June 23, the Postal Service briefed APWU officers of the Clerk, Maintenance, and Motor Vehicle Crafts [ PDF | Powerpoint presentation] about plans to consolidate operations in large stations and branches.

Sports Unions Work to Level the Playing Field

June 30, 2009
Although their average salary is considerably higher and their “work year” is much shorter, members of the nation’s four major sports unions share much in common with their counterparts in other industries, especially the historical basis for their...
