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E.g., 01/14/2025
E.g., 01/14/2025

APWU and USPS Agree to One-Time Retirement Incentive, 'Early Out' for Postal Workers

January 13, 2025
On January 13, 2025, the United States Postal Service and the American Postal Workers Union have mutually agreed to a One-time Retirement Incentive, including an "early out" option for eligible employees.

Budgeting for the New Year!

January 13, 2025
Secretary-Treasurer Liz Powell shares important dates for trainings this year. Two of note are the APWU Scholarship deadline and APWU Disaster/Hardship Fund.

Help Homeless Vets

December 21, 2010
The APWU Human Relations Department is reminding locals and state organizations to contribute at least one backpack filled with personal-care items for homeless and under-served veterans, to be distributed at the Winterhaven Stand Down on Jan 22.

Operation Santa Claus Cheers Wounded Warriors

December 17, 2010
As part of the APWU’s annual Operation Santa Claus, union officers and staff stopped by the Walter Reed Army Medical Center (WRAMC) and the Mologne House on Dec. 15 to spread holiday cheer to wounded U.S. service members.

Management Message Confirms Excessing Moratorium

December 17, 2010
Union officials in locales where managers are balking at implementing the moratorium on excessing that was announced on Dec. 15 will be pleased to see an e-mail message from a headquarters-level manager notifying Area-level officials of the...

Union Encourages Members to Use Department of Labor Forms For FMLA Leave Requests

December 17, 2010
The APWU is encouraging members to use Department of Labor forms when requesting Family & Medical Leave, while the union pursues a dispute with the Postal Service over employees’ right to use APWU forms or other equivalent documentation.

APWU Urges House To Extend ‘Tax Holiday’ To CSRS Employees

December 15, 2010
APWU President Cliff Guffey has sent a letter to members of the House of Representatives urging them to extend a proposed 2 percent “payroll tax holiday” to postal workers and other federal employees who are covered by the Civil Service Retirement...
