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E.g., 02/02/2025
E.g., 02/02/2025

House Resolution 70: Protecting the People’s Post Office

January 30, 2025
Please call APWU’s Legislative Hotline at 1-844-402-1001 to be connected to your member of Congress today, and ask them to cosponsor H. Res. 70, which expressly opposes postal privatization. Defending the people’s public Postal Service from...

This is a 'Code Red Alert' to APWU Veterans

January 21, 2025
In the last Home Front article, we warned veterans about “Project 2025” and how a second Trump term would destroy the VA, and VA healthcare benefits. Unfortunately for our APWU veteran family, his Project 2025 plan to destroy VA healthcare could...

Steelworkers Ratify Contract After Six-Month Lockout

May 1, 2016
USW members picket the mill in Brackenridge after ATI locked them out. After a six-month lockout, 2,200 members of the United Steelworkers Union (USW) at specialty steelmaker Allegheny Technologies, Inc. (ATI) have ratified a four-year contract at...

Staples Rings NASDAQ Bell, Protesters 'Ruin Their Day'

May 1, 2016
(This article first appeared in the May-June 2016 issue of The American Postal Worker magazine.) Activists crashed Staples’ party on March 15, protesting in front of the NASDAQ building in Times Square, while company executives gathered to ring the...

Zika Virus Alert

May 1, 2016
(This article first appeared in the May-June 2016 issue of The American Postal Worker magazine.) As Americans begin exploring vacation options, it’s likely that alarming reports regarding the Zika virus are causing concern.

Right-Sizing Your Health Insurance

May 1, 2016
(This article first appeared in the May-June 2016 issue of The American Postal Worker magazine.) Retirees frequently search for ways to cut expenses. Recently, many have asked if you can still switch your coverage under the Federal Employees Health...

Door-to-Door Success in Canada

May 1, 2016
Canadian postal workers and allies protest cuts in door-to-door mail delivery service. (This article first appeared in the May-June 2016 issue of The American Postal Worker magazine.) Communities across Canada are facing cutbacks in mail service,...
