APWU: Support 39,000 Striking Verizon Workers

April 13, 2016

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APWU President Mark Dimondstein is calling on union members to support 39,000 Verizon workers who went on strike on April 13.  The contract for workers from Maine to Virginia expired in August, but months of effort to get the telecommunications giant to negotiate reasonably have failed.

  • Verizon has already moved 5,000 jobs overseas and is pressing to send even more jobs to Mexico, the Philippines and elsewhere.
  • The company raked in  $39 billion in profits in last three years and $1.8 billion each month so far this year, but is pushing to outsource work to low-wage contractors
  • Verizon wants to relocate jobs on a moment’s notice – forcing technicians to leave their homes and families for months at a time and breaking up families.
  • The telecommunications giant is demanding that retirees on a fixed income pay much more for health benefits.

Here’s what you can do to help:

  • Find an event and join them on the picket line: StandUpToVerizon.com
  • Watch their new video to hear the stories of Verizon workers. http://bit.ly/1SLQ7y0
  • Click here to read the press release from the Communications Workers of America (CWA) with key strike locations.

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