Pittsburgh City Council Joins ‘Stop Staples’ Campaign

April 24, 2015

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The committee met with Allegheny County Council President John DeFazio.

The Pittsburgh City Council unanimously passed a Will of Council resolution in support of the Stop Staples campaign.

“The City of Pittsburgh will urge its citizens to become aware of these threats to the Postal Service and the efforts made by the Western PA Postal Workers Solidarity Committee when considering whether to patronize Staples,” said the document, passed earlier this month (April 7).

Members of the APWU Pittsburgh Metro Area Local, the APWU Pittsburgh Area Retirees Chapter, National Association of Letter Carriers Branch 84 and National Postal Mail Handlers Union Local 332 were part of the effort. They formed the West Pennsylvania Postal Workers Solidarity Committee, which has been holding protests and talking to local lawmakers.

Now the committee has set its sights on winning support from surrounding counties. They are shown meeting with Allegheny County Council President John DeFazio on April 21.

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