Help Yourself Get the Remedy, Maintenance Officers Say

May 8, 2014

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Maintenance Division officers have created a questionnaire to help locals identify employees affected by a recent arbitration win.

The case involved the Postal Service’s decision in 2009 to retroactively change the passing score on promotion eligibility exams. As a result of the policy, the rating of more than 600 APWU members changed from eligible to ineligible, meaning that they could not be placed on Promotion Eligibility Registers (PERs).

On April 16, 2014, Arbitrator Stephen B. Goldberg ruled in favor of the union, concluding that management’s action violated the Collective Bargaining Agreement. He remanded the case to the parties to seek an appropriate remedy. Discussions with the USPS are ongoing.

“This information is important in helping us ensure that a proper remedy is applied to those who were affected by the Postal Service’s violation of our members’ rights,” said Maintenance Craft Director Steve Raymer.

Completed forms should be sent to or mailed to the Maintenance Division, 1300 L Street NW, Washington DC 20005.

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