Convention Resolutions Must Be Received by June 4
April 14, 2010
APWU locals and state organizations are reminded that resolutions must be submitted online no later than June 4 to be printed in the official resolutions book for the 2010 National Convention, which will be held in Detroit, Aug. 23-27.
Resolutions adopted by locals and state organizations will be considered by delegates to the 20th Biennial Convention. Items received after the June 4 publication deadline will be presented at the National Convention as addendums, provided they have been properly authorized and do not deal with subjects already covered.
Resolutions may only be submitted on behalf of locals and states by their presidents, secretaries, treasurers, and secretary-treasurers. A list of previously adopted Labor-Management Resolutions is available. It is not necessary to re-submit previously adopted resolutions.
Members-at-Large may submit resolutions under their own signatures, and may send them directly to Secretary-Treasurer Liz Powell. Resolutions must be typed, double-spaced and submitted individually (one resolution per page) to 1300 L Street NW, Washington, DC, 20005.