Members in Action
January 1, 2018
(This article first appeared in the January-February 2018 issue of the American Postal Worker magazine)
Puerto Rico Area Local Says ‘Thank You’ 
Puerto Rico Area Local members wish to thank everyone who sent donations after Hurricane Maria. “We are deeply thankful to those that have helped and continue to do so,” said Grisselle Nieves, local shop steward and interim secretary-treasurer.
She sent a special “thank you” to members of the Montana Postal Workers Union, and their President Gary Phillippe, for sending supplies including flashlights, wipes, water filters, solar showers, first-aid kits and batteries. “With their contributions, many co-workers have warm water to shower in, clean water to drink, and a better night’s sleep with battery-operated fans and mosquito repellent,” she said, adding that other locals generously sent items such as water and non-perishable food.
“We will be eternally grateful,” Nieves continued. “This sense of solidarity shown by our brothers and sisters across the country in our moment of need is the real meaning of union.”
Puerto Rico Area Local President Juan Carlos González-Del Valle added, “My most sincere gratitude to all APWU members for the show of solidarity with their Puerto Rican sisters and brothers who were affected by this catastrophe. The APWU is not my second family but MI FAMILIA, period.
Retiree Rallies Against Tax-Cuts the Rich
Joyce Debnam, a member of the Nation’s Capital Southern Maryland Area Local Retiree Chapter, attended a rally protesting proposed tax cuts for multi-millionaires outside the Capitol on Nov. 1.
Postal Union Solidarity in Phoenix
Media Director Greta Garrett,
Local President Joe Cuccinotto,
Secretary-Treasurer Sarah Rodriguez,
(front) Retiree Chapter President Joanne Romero
and Rodriguez’s daughter, Amity.
On Nov. 12, members of the Phoenix Metro Area Local participated in a rally hosted by the Arizona State Association of Letter Carriers in front of the Arcadia Station Post Office.
Nearly 200 community members attended, including Mayor Greg Stanton, as postal workers protested various issues.
APWU members were protesting job cuts, which results in delays getting mail from processing plants to the stations and branches, and cutting window staffing – resulting in poor customer service, explained Phoenix Metro Area Local Secretary-Treasurer Sarah Rodriguez.
Members of the National Association of Letter Carriers were picketing late start times and deliveries after dark.