Investigating Grievances re Article 1.6.B. Under the 2010 CBA

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In order to enforce the Global Settlement of violations of Article 1.6.B. of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, the following information is essential:

  • A list of all offices, by level, as of Nov. 21, 2010. 
  • The number of employees by Designated/Activity code for each office.

This information has been requested at the national level and provided by the USPS. Click here to view a map [PDF], select the appropriate state, and scroll down to find relevant data for the office your are interested in.

To investigate possible grievances for each post office, locals must obtain:

Office Opening Time [Mon-Fri and Sat] 
Starting Times for the Postmaster / Clerks /Carriers 
Truck Arrival Time [Mon-Fri and Sat] 
Letter Carrier or Rural Carrier Departure Time 
Wall Box Clearance Time 
Window Hours [Mon-Fri and Sat] 
Letter Carrier or Rural Carrier Return Time 
Postmaster and Clerk Departure Times 
Final Dispatch [Mon-Fri and Sat] 
Office Closing Time [Mon-Fri and Sat] 
Mail Volumes

Bulk Mail Acceptance Accounts and Daily Average Volume 
Express Mail Daily Average Volume 
Most Recent CSAW, SOV, and/or Function 4 Reports for Office 
Matrixes (PS Form 1994) for Office 
WOS Transaction and Visit Counts [PDF] (for the last 3 months) 
Any Light/Limited Duty or Rehabilitation Assignments (including      documentation and clock rings/time cards) 
Custodial Contract
Postmaster’s Documentation Showing Bargaining Unit Work Performed (last      3 months)*

“In accordance with the M-32, postmasters or supervisors performing bargaining unit work will record what operation they are performing either by time clock, PS Form 1260 [PDF] or other appropriate means. A copy of such documentation shall be made available to the Union upon request.” [Global Settlement, Article 1.6.B.]

Time Cards/Clock Rings for Clerks (last 3 months)* 
X-Craft and Loaner Clerk Work Hour Reports and Documentation (last 3 months)*

*If maximization is an issue, locals should request records for at least six months.

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