Delegates' Work on Convention Business Continues

July 17, 2024

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After a productive first day of the convention, delegates continued on Tuesday to make significant progress on union business. They debated and voted on many meaningful resolutions addressing bargaining demands as the Labor-Management Committee continued its report.

Among the adopted resolutions were several dealing with preventing managers in small offices from performing bargaining unit work and work being assigned to part time flexible and postal support employees. Resolutions affecting income included administration of overtime, workhour guarantees, night shift differential, and weekend premiums. Resolution 36 adopted by the delegates called for the elimination of the two-tier pay scale, while two others called for the expansion of steps.

Donating sick leave, paid maternity leave, increasing the accrual of annual leave, and annual leave carryover were some of the resolutions adopted that are applicable to Article 10 of the National Agreement.

On the subject of safety and health, adopted Resolution 60 called for the establishment of a Workplace Violence Reporting Form to aid in the reporting of Hostile Working Conditions.

Resolutions to hold management more accountable for complying with grievance settlements were also considered and adopted, while other resolutions focused on steward’s time for processing member’s grievances.

In true APWU fashion, Tuesday’s deliberations included lively and spirited debate. The Labor- Management Committee’s report will continue on Wednesday with more resolutions to be addressed.

The Legislative/Political Committee, Co-chaired by David Rose of the Omaha Area Local and Rictarsha Westmoreland of the Baltimore Francis “Stu” Filbey Area Local also began their report and will conclude later in the convention.

Postal Workers Rally in Motor City: Demand Dignity, Good Wages, All-Career Workforce!

APWU convention delegates took time from the business on the floor Tuesday to rally in front of the convention center and draw attention to their important contract fight. APWU leaders, supporters, and other union activists joined in to say, “we’ve got your back.” On their way out of the convention hall, delegates grabbed signs with messages like “Union Proud, Say It Loud!” and “All Career Workforce!”

Postal workers are demanding dignity at work, good wages that allow them to support their families, and an all-career workforce. An all-career workforce would allow postal workers to do the same job together as equals, and have access to the same benefits and rights that let career employees provide for their families and plan for the future. The APWU’s demands echo those of workers in other industries; it’s time to put an end to divisive two-tier pay scales.

APWU members, local political leaders, and allies from labor unions like UNITE HERE and UAW all spoke up in support of APWU members’ fight for a good contract and to end the divisive two-tier wage scale. The rally, emceed by Secretary-Treasurer Liz Powell, opened and closed with inspiring songs and dances from Lynn Marie Smith, the original Detroit Diva.

Energized, and ready to mobilize and organize, delegates are ready to take on the fight to win a strong new contract!

Selected Speakers at the APWU Rally

Rep. Rashida Tlaib: 'Protecting Working Class Families, Institutions Is Important to Our Community!'

House Representative Rashida Tlaib (D-MI-12) addressed the delegation on Tuesday morning. She was welcomed by President Dimondstein, who recognized her as an ally in our fight for a bold progressive agenda. He noted that she has helped in multiple APWU fights, including the passage of the Postal Service Reform Act, our “US Mail Not for Sale” campaign, and recognized her work at the very grassroots of our organizing campaign.

Dimondstein highlighted that Tlaib meets with our organizing committee at Amazon to support their work, even writing articles for their local union newspaper. Beyond her local work in Michigan, she understands the solidarity that American workers need to extend beyond our borders, especially to working people in Gaza.

Rep. Tlaib shared her experience as a daughter of a union member. She recalled the first time she got glasses at age 12. She was able to get glasses and see clearly because her father qualified for union healthcare. Moreover, as the oldest of 14 kids, her family was even able to afford costly braces for her teeth.

Tlaib reaffirmed her commitment to the progressive causes that APWU supports. In addition to Medicare for All, public postal banking, and pro-union legislation like the PRO Act, she doubled down on her support for a vibrant public Postal Service. “It’s going to take a lot to take me out,” she said. “I’ll always stand with postal workers, I’ll always stand with working people.”

At the end of the day, it’s clear that Rep. Tlaib supports working people because a strong working class means a vibrant future for our communities, our country, and our world.

Members Kick in for COPA at the Sneaker Ball

On Tuesday evening, the APWU COPA (Committee on Political Action) Night party was hosted by Legislative & Political Director Judy Beard and “kicked” off by the APWU Divas. Members who contributed $200 or more to COPA since July 2022 wore their most unique, colorful, and blingy sneakers to celebrate their achievements. President Dimondstein, Secretary-Treasurer Liz Powell, and Director Beard presented awards to the three highest COPA contributors during the 2022-2024 COPA cycle. They were:

  • Ricardo Barreto, Member, Sacramento Area Local (CA)
  • Hector Baez, Denver Region NBA (Mesa, AZ)
  • Shirley Taylor, Retired San Francisco Region NBA (Burlingame, CA)

A special award, the 2024 COPA Leadership Award, was presented to the New York Metro Area Postal Union as the local whose members contributed the most COPA funds. Diane Erlanger and Joseph Matir accepted the award on behalf of the local. The party rounded out with a competition for the most unique sneakers.

APWU News Bulletin
27th Biennial Convention
Bulletin Number 3
July 16, 2024

Credentials Committee

As presented by Chairperson Neysa Coleman of the New York Postal Workers Union and Brooklyn Local, the preliminary report of the APWU Credentials Committee for Tuesday, July 16 is as follows: 2,063 delegates representing 280 locals, 43 states, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Also in attendance, 28 retiree delegates, four regional retiree delegates and 78 national officers.

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