MOU: Minimizing Excessing Extension (2015)

excessing , transfers , withheld jobs , 50 miles , ADRP , Article 12

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This MOU extended the Minimizing Excessing MOU found on page 342 of the 2010-2015 CBA through the expiration of the 2015-2018 CBA (page 308). It kept in place the 50-mile limitation on excessing with the exception of the resolution of case Q10C4QC14317802 as well as the other requirements that the Postal Service must go through before excessing outside of the installation.

Document Type:  Memorandum of Understanding

APWU National Grievance Number:  HQTT20140774

GATS Number:  Q10C-4Q-C 14317802

Tags: excessing , transfers , withheld jobs , 50 miles , ADRP , Article 12

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