Sherrod Brown to Introduce Harkin Bill to Expand Social Security in 114th Congress
December 12, 2014
Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) has announced plans to reintroduce Sen. Tom Harkin’s (D-IA) Strengthening Social Security Act in the next Congress. The bill would change the Social Security benefit formula, ensuring that cost of living adjustments...
NLRB Charges Postal Service with Illegal Surveillance of Staples Protests
December 12, 2014
The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has charged the USPS with illegally spying on postal employees while they protested outside a Staples store in Atlanta on March 4 and 9, 2014.
Philadelphia City Council Adopts ‘Stop Staples’ Resolution
December 12, 2014
APWU member Cindy Heyward addressing
the Philadelphia City Council.
The Philadelphia City Council voted unanimously on Dec. 11 to adopt a resolution to support the APWU’s efforts. During the meeting, APWU members Cindy Heyward and June Cohen...
Rank-and-File Bargaining Advisory Committee Convenes
December 9, 2014
Members of the union’s Rank-and-File Bargaining Advisory Committee held their first meeting in Washington, DC, on Dec. 8 and 9, where they heard presentations from union officers about negotiations, and engaged in lively give-and-take.
Union Wins $56 Million Remedy for Postmasters Performing Craft Work
December 8, 2014
The APWU reached a $56 million settlement with the USPS on Dec. 5 to resolve a long-standing dispute over postmasters and supervisors in small offices performing bargaining unit work.