Boston Local Brings Allies Together to Fight for a Better Postal Service

On October 18, APWU Boston Metro Area Local – along with other APWU members, allies and activists – took to the streets to demand management fill New England Area postal vacancies. Ignoring these vacancies leads to slow mail processing, delayed mail...

Union Family Flies to Puerto Rico to Assist Relief Efforts

When disaster strikes, workers can be counted on to show up and help out in times of need. When the call came in the wake of the aftermath of Hurricane Maria’s devastation, it was no different – our union family stepped up to support our sisters and...

Sign the APWU Pledge

The APWU needs YOU to join the fight for workers’ rights. Sign the pledge to be active in at least four or more activities between now and April 30, 2018. Click here to sign the pledge.

APWU Members and Officers Participate in CLUW Convention

The Coalition of Labor Union Women (CLUW) had their 19th Biennial Convention in Detroit, Michigan from Sept. 6-9. Over 400 union delegates from across the country attended, representing 27 national unions. CLUW is a national women’s organization...

Support Postal Employees Impacted by Irma

Recovery had only just begun from Hurricane Harvey when Hurricane Irma delivered a second punch, leaving in its trail devastation that affects postal workers in the Caribbean, Florida and many parts of the south. It will be a long road to recovery...
