Leave and Overtime Benefits Secured for ET-11s
APWU Maintenance Division and USPS resolved two national disputes, Q15T-4Q-C 17340522 and Q15T -4Q-C 17340479, and National Labor Relations Board charge concerning the wages, hours and working conditions of a small but united occupational group,...
Support Services Rock Union Gear Thursdays
IT/AS Support Services members are wearing union gear on Thursdays to show solidarity during their current contract negotiations. Pictured are members of the Wilkes-Barre Solution Center.
MTESC Workers Unanimously Ratify First Contract
New APWU members at the Mail Transport Equipment Service Center (MTESC) in Urbandale, IA, unanimously ratified an initial two-year contract... The contract will increase job security through the implementation of a grievance process, a guaranteed...
2015-2018 Contract Available to Order
The Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) between the United States Postal Service and the American Postal Workers Union has been sent to the printer and is available as a pdf. The pdf is available under “Resources."
Contract Negotiation Updates
Updates on the current collective bargaining agreement negotiations for the IT/Account Services Group, PAE's Mail Transport Equipment Service Center and Salmon Companies.