MOU: Article 37.3.a.1 - Every Effort to Create Duty Assignments (2014)

Desirable duty assignments , Clerk Craft , Posting and Bidding , PSE Hours , MDAT , PSE Conversion

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Initiated by the USPS, who questioned whether the USPS was required to cobble together PSE hours to post new duty assignments (traditional or NTFT). Via this MOU, the USPS withdrew the Step 4 and recognized their obligation to use all available hours, including PSE hours, for career employees to bid. Also, see National Arbitration award by Arbitrator Stephen Goldberg (Q10C-4Q-C 12320729), wherein he points out the new language of Article 37.3.a.1 stated on page 16 of his award:
“This language demonstrates that the negotiators of the 2010 Agreement knew how to impose on the Postal Service the obligation (emphasis added) to combine PSE hours when doing so would yield duty assignments for career employees. They did so for bidding purposes in Article 37.3.A.1.”

Document Type:  Memorandum of Understanding

APWU National Grievance Number:  HQTC20130645

GATS Number:  Q10C-4Q-C 14001322

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: Desirable duty assignments , Clerk Craft , Posting and Bidding , PSE Hours , MDAT , PSE Conversion

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