The Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act and Managing Local Funds!

The Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act’s (LMRDA’s) regulations are designed to protect the members and union funds. The financial reports provide transparency regarding the finances of the union; the Internal Revenue Service’s (IRS)...

Protecting Our Communities Worldwide

The 118th Congress is taking up a “Sense of the House” Resolution (HRes 277) calling on the Postal Service to restore Service Standards to July 1, 2012. While a House Resolution is not binding, nor law, the APWU fully supports its passage.

Work on Our Next Union Contract Begins

While we there are many things changing in our work lives due to the Postmaster General’s 10-year plan, one thing has not changed: The importance of having a collective bargaining agreement (CBA or “contract”). The APWU negotiated a good 2021-2024...

A Case for the Shorter Workweek

President Dimondstein provides a case for a 4-day, 32-hour work week with no loss in pay.

Current Legislative Priorities in the 118th Congress

With the 118th Congress in full swing, it is important that we update you on some of our legislative priorities this session. While this list is not exhaustive, it highlights what we are currently fighting for on Capitol Hill to improve the lives of...
