Network Modernization and Our Job Security Protections

An overview of job security protection amid network modernization.

Looking Back on Labor History: Postal Banking, Operation Dixie, & the Eight-Hour Work Day

Looking Back on Labor History: Postal Banking, Operation Dixie, & the Eight-Hour Work Day

APWU Opens History Center

The APWU is proud to announce the opening of the APWU History Center, “The Struggle Continues,” to recognize and share the history of postal workers and our union, highlighting postal workers’ courage, unity, and collective action! 

PS Form 4533 MVS Schedule Still in Effect

The Postal Service provided instructions to field Postal Vehicle Service (PVS) management, which stated that every driver should receive a Form 4533 daily, and that every driver placed in a schedule/route/run is expected to receive a Form 4533.”

Shared Community Toolbox, Another Bad Idea!

The Postal Service has now chosen to disrupt and inconvenience the work lives of our mechanics and technicians with a new Community Toolbox Pod initiative.
